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1500卡 糖尿病食譜 8


1500卡 糖尿病食譜。 當你確診患有糖尿病時,飲食就成了治療過程中不可或缺的一部分。為了確保滿足個人的營養需求和治療目標,糖尿病飲食應該是多樣化且均衡的。

Achievable Health Strategies for a Stronger, Healthier You

Achievable Health Strategies for a Stronger Healthier You

Taking care of your health doesn’t have to be complicated. By making simple adjustments to your daily habits, you can support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being in a sustainable way. Integrating small, impactful changes into your routine can enhance your overall health from head to toe. In this article, courtesy of the CAIPA Foundation…

1500卡 糖尿病食譜 7

Health Article

1500卡 糖尿病食譜。 當你確診患有糖尿病時,飲食就成了治療過程中不可或缺的一部分。為了確保滿足個人的營養需求和治療目標,糖尿病飲食應該是多樣化且均衡的。

長者用藥安全提示 | Elderly Medication Safety

Health Article 1


營養餐盤 | Nutritious Meal Plate

Nutrition Meal Plate

多年來,我們已習慣盤中的大塊肉才是晚餐的主角,而旁邊的蔬菜或沙拉只是點綴。改變您的飲食習慣,首先需要瞭解「一盤健康的食物」應該是什麼樣子。 營養餐盤 盡量選擇多種顏色和多種類型的蔬菜水果